Adapt the print processes within Flow to use A5 repeat forms for eScript printouts.
Using A4 paper is forcing pharmacists to use paper that they will have to supply [ie pay for]. This must be going to save the PBS/Medicare millions of dollars - there will be less repeat forms needed and less prescription forms needed. Maybe an increase in the dispensing fee is warranted or PBS can supply A4 paper as well as repeats forms!

Feedback has been passed onto the Fred Dispense team
Anonymous commented
Hey Medview. I think you did not get what Stephen Osborne is getting at.
I suggest that as nearly 75% of our customers are requesting their repeat in Paper form can we get it to print on PBS Repeats forms. I understand there is a potential Legal issue. But I'm sure we can tell Fred to print on the reverse side of the PBS Repeat stationary. This will also make it easier for all our customer for who we Retain their Repeats on file. Let's face it who can keep track or 5 or 6 script tokens in their messages from last month. Yes they can use and App but as most of my customers are older that is not a practical solution. I cannot see why this is not possible. Chris Walsh Drysdale Amcal